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How String concatenate in Python

Q. How String can be concatenate in Python ? Is there any functions like C and C++ ?


First see how concatenation in C:
C programming having strcat() for string concatenations.
See the example:
void main()
  char str1[MAX],str2[MAX];
  printf(“Input string 1: “);
  printf(“nInput string 2: “);
  printf(“nConcatenated string : “);
  return 0;
Concatenation in C++:
‘+’ operator can be used for string concatenation.
See the example:
void main()
 string firstName = “Kunal “;
 string lastName = “Batra”;
 string fullName = firstName + lastName;
 cout << fullName;
‘Append()’ can also be used for string concatenation:
See the example:
void main()
 string firstName = “Kunal”;
 string lastName = “Batra”;
 string fullName = firstName.append(lastName);
 cout << fullName;
Concatenation in Python:
‘+’ operator is used for string concatenation:
 firstName = “Kunal”
 lalstName = “Batra”
 fullName = firstName + lastName 
From above article its easy to find out the answer of the question.
Categories C