- 01 Introduction to Algorithm in Hindi video
- 02 Define Algorithm. Discuss how to analyse Algorithm | ADA previous years in Hindi video
- 03 0/1 Knapsack problem using Tabular method in Hindi video
- 04 0/1 Knapsack problem using Set Method in Hindi video
- 05 Knapsack problem fraction method with example 01 | ADA in Hindi video
- 06 Knapsack problem example 02 fraction method in Hindi video
- 07 Find optimal solution, Knapsack instance n=3, m=20, (p1,p2,p3)=(25,24,15) and (w1,w2,w3)=(18,15,10) | ADA in Hindi video
- 08 Explain Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm with example | ADA in Hindi video
- 09 Define MST. What is Prim’s algorithm. Using this algorithm find MST of the following graph | ADA in Hindi video
- 10 What is MST ? Using Prim’s algorithm find minimum spanning tree of the following graph ? | ADA in Hindi video
- 11 Prims algorithm with example | Minimum spanning tree in Hindi video
- 12 Prims algo in Hindi | Minimum spanning tree ex. 02 in Hindi video
- 13 Kruskals algorithm with example | Minimum spanning tree in Hindi video
- 14 Apply Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of the graph | ADA in Hindi video
- 15 Tabulate the difference between Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm | ADA previous years in Hindi video
- 16 Dynamic Programming | ADA in Hindi video
- 17 Divide and Conquer algorithm in Hindi video
- 18 Dijkstra Algorithm example 2 | Shortest path | ADA in Hindi video
- 19 Job Sequencing with deadline with example in Hindi video
- 20 Huffman coding with example algorithm in Hindi video
- 21 A text is made up of the characters a,b,c,d,e probability 0.11,0.40,0.16,0.09 and 0.24 respectively. Optimal Huffman code have average length of | ADA in Hindi video
- 22 Optimal Huffman codes for the 7 messages with frequencies (4,5,7,8,10,22, 5). Draw decode tree | ADA in Hindi video
- 23 What is the optimal Huffman code for the frequencies numbers a:1,b:1,c:2,d:3,e:5,f:8,g:13,h:21 | ADA in Hindi video
- 24 Optimal Merge Pattern with example algorithm in Hindi video
- 25 Find an optimal merge pattern for 11 files whose length are 28, 32, 12, 5, 84, 5, 3, 9, 35, 3, 11. | ADA in Hindi video
- 26 Use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm and find shortest path between all pairs of vertices for the graph | ADA in Hindi video
- 27 Explain multistage graph problem with example? | ADA Previous Years in Hindi video
- 28 Solve the TSP using Branch and Bound Techniques | ADA previous years in Hindi video
- 29 Color the graph using a vertex coloring algorithm. What is the minimum number of colour required? | ADA in Hindi video
- 30 What is Binary Search Tree in Hindi video
- 31 Use Binary Search Tree to find location of 45 in the given array-9,12,15,24,30,36,45,70. | ADA in Hindi video
- 32 How AVL is better than a Binary tree? Create AVL tree 342,206,444,523,607,301,142,183,102,157,149 | ADA in Hindi video
- 33 What is Heap | Max and Min Heap in Hindi video
- 34 Heap sort 15,13,18,1,3,8,10,20,9,11 with example | ADA in Hindi video
- 35 Merge sort 4,9,7,2,10,5,12,14 with example | ADA in Hindi video
- 36 Selection sort 4,9,7,2,10,5,12,44 working with example | ADA in Hindi video
- 37 The running time of Quick Sort Algo when elements of array A have same value | ADA previous years in Hindi video
- 38 Sort the following array using Heap sort? 66,33,40,20,50,88,60,11,77,30,45,65 | ADA in Hindi video
- 39 Sort the given list using Merge sort- 70, 80, 40, 50, 60, 12, 35, 95, 10 | ADA in Hindi video
- 40 Sort the following list using Quick Sort- 10, 5, 13, 4, 15, 11, 6, 12 | ADA in Hindi video
- 41 Show Preorder, Inorder and Postorder for the following tree | ADA previous years in Hindi video
- 42 Create a B-Tree of order 5 : 30,20,35,95,15,60,55,25,5,65,70,10,40,50,80,45 | ADA previous years in Hindi video