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Data Structure: A List of Video Lectures RGPV Notes

A list of video lectures

  1. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  2. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm example 2
  4. Quick Sort
  5. Minimization of DFA
  6. Mealy to Moore Conversion
  7. Moore to Mealy conversion
  8. Adjacency Matrix
  9. Adjacency List
  10. Prim’s algorithm | Minimum Spanning Tree Ex. 05
  11. Prim’s algorithm | Minimum spanning tree Ex. 03 
  12. Prim’s algorithm | Minimum spanning tree Ex. 04
  13. Prim’s algorithm | Minimum spanning tree Ex. 02
  14. Kruskal’s Algorithm | Minimum spanning tree Ex. 03
  15. Dynamic Programming
  16. Tree Introduction
  17. Algorithm
  18. Algorithm Analysis
  19. Algorithm Writing
  20. Space complexity
  21. Time complexity
  22. Static Memory Allocation
  23. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  24. Linked List
  25. Linked List creation
  26. Linked list traversal
  27. Stack push operation
  28. Stack Introduction
  29. Stack Pop operations
  30. Linear search
  31. Queue deletion
  32. Queue insertion
  33. Dijkstra Algorithm : Single Source Shortest Path
  34. Prims Kruskal algorithm, Adjancy matrix list, BFS, DFS
  35. Merge Sort
  36. Selection Sort
  37. Row Major Order
  38. Heap | Max Heap | Mean Heap
  39. Bubble Sort
  40. Binary Tree
  41. Insertion Sort
  42. AVL Tree | Height Balancing Tree | HBL
  43. Tree Traversal | Inorder | Preorder | Postorder
  44. Binary Search Tree | BST
  45. Infix to Postfix expression Stack method

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