Program which is under execution is known as process.
Two conditions for process
- It has to reside in the main memory
- It should occupy the CPU, means should be using or used by any resource of CPU.
Attributes of process:
- Process ID
- Process State
- Program Counter
- Priority
- General purpose register
- List of open files
- List of open devices
- Protection information
Description about process attributes is given below
1. Process ID:
Process ID is a unique identification number which is organized by the OS at the time of process creation.
2. Process state:
Process state contains the current state information of the process where it is residing.
3. Program Counter:
Program counter contains the address of the next instruction to be expected.
4. Priority:
Priority is a parameter which is assigned by the OS, at the time of process creation.
5. General purpose registers:
General purpose registers contains registers information used by the process in order to execute the instructions.
6. List of open files:
In this information is stored about the files which are open by the process during execution.
7. List of open devices:
The devices which are opened by the process in execution.
8. Protection Information:
Security information related to currently executing process is stored here.
- All the above process attributes is known as context of the process.
- Context of the process will be stored in PCB.
- PCB stands for process control block.
- Every process will have its own PCB.
- PCB of the process will be stored in main memory.
Process with respect to execution time are of two types:
- CPU Bound Processes.
- Input Output Bound Processes.
1. CPU Bound Process:
The process which require more CPU time is known as CPU Bound Processes. They spend more time in running state.
2. Input Output Bound Process:
The process which requires more input output time are known as Input Output Bound Process. They spend more time in waiting state.