Storage Virtualization in cloud computing
Cloud Computing: covered following topics in these notes. covered following topics in these notes.
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Historical development of Cloud Computing
- Vision of Cloud Computing
- Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST
- Cloud computing reference model
- Cloud computing environments
- Cloud services requirements
- Cloud and dynamic infrastructure
- Cloud Adoption and rudiments
- Cloud application: ECG Analysis in the cloud
- Cloud application: Protein structure prediction
- Cloud application: Gene Expression Data Analysis
- Cloud Computing Architecture
- IaaS
- PaaS
- SaaS
- Types of Clouds
- Cloud Interoperability & Standards
- Scalability and Fault Tolerance
- Cloud Ecosystem
- Cloud Business Process Management
- Cloud Service Management
- Cloud Analytics
- Testing Under Control
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
- Cloud Resiliency
- Cloud Provisioning
- Asset management
- Concepts of Map reduce
- Cloud Governance
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery
- Virtualization in cloud computing
- Server virtualization
- Hypervisor management software
- Third Party Cloud Services
- Case Study: Google App Engine
- Case Study: Microsoft Azure
- Case Study: Hadoop
- Case Study: Amazon
- Case Study: Aneka
A list of Video lectures
- Buyya, Selvi ,” Mastering Cloud Computing “,TMH Pub
- Krutz , Vines, “Cloud Security “ , Wiley Pub
- Velte, “Cloud Computing- A Practical Approach” ,TMH Pub
- Sosinsky, “ Cloud Computing” , Wiley Pub