Java program method overloaing

PROGRAM: To show method overloading . /**         * @Prof. Jayesh         * Here method overloading is shown, differed in parameters.         */ class ContainsMethods … Read more

Stack Data Structure

Stack is a data structure.Stack is non primitive data structure.Stack is linear data structure.Stack is an ordered list.Stack do push and pop operation from TOS … Read more

Array implementation of Stack

include int stack[100],n,selection,top=-1,i;int push(){int element;if(top==n){printf(“Stack overflow”);}else{printf(“Enter element to push”);scanf(“%d”,&element);top = top + 1;stack[top] = element;}return 0;}int pop(){if(top==-1){printf(“Stack is empty, cant pop”);}else{top = top-1;}return 0;}int showElement(){for(i=top;i>=0;i=i-1){printf(“%d”,stack[i]);}if(top==-1){printf(“\nStack … Read more

Infix to Postfix expression

Infix expression : A+(B*C-(D/E↑F)*ε)*H Put operands values in to output column Put non operands valued in to stack column On inserting closing parenthesis ‘)’ into stack … Read more

Mirroring and Striping

STRIPING & MIRRORING: Stripping and Mirroring, are the terms used in RAID technology. To know more about RAID technology click here… When you use striping … Read more