- 1. Discuss factors affecting wage concept of pay for performance ?
- 2. Differentiate between Non-Financial and Financial Incentives with suitable examples ?
- 3. Discuss relevance of Flexible Benefits and Benefits Survey in determining CompensationManagement.
- 4. Discuss salient features of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 ?
- 5. Describe determinants of intra and inter industry differentials in Compensation ?
- 6. Explain with a suitable example of designing compensation for Chief Executives ?
- 7. Read the case carefully and answer the questions given below
- 8. Define Job Evalution Discuss the factors affecting wage of pay performance ?
- 9. Explain non financial and financial incentives. Explain how would you measure cost-company (CTC) while determining the pay structure of lower middle and higher level managers ?
- 10. What do you understande by minimum Wage? Discuss the procedure of fixing and revising the minimum wages ?
- 11. Explain concept of Human Capital Discuss the determinants of intra and inter-industry differentials in compensation.
- 12. Write notes on any two of the following:
- 13. What is concept and types of Wages? Briefly discuss the various alternative method of wage payment with their merits and demerits.
- 14. ‘Individual as well as Group, both are important to the organization’s growth.’ Discuss and bring out the importance of Individual and Group Incentive Plans to motivate the employees.
- 15. How are benefits important to employees? What are the various types of Flexible Benefits Plans? How do they motivate the employees? Give examples.
- 16. Write brief notes on any two of the following: (a) Provident Fund Act, 1962. (b) Minimum Wages Act, 1948. (c) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
- 17. Write a detailed note on current trends in compensation and reward management.
- 18. Explain the determinants of intra and inter industry differentials. Discuss the strategic implications of compensation differentials.
- 19. Design compensation for any two of the following: (a) Chief Executive(b) Senior Managers(c) Knowledge Workers.