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Explain the term token, lexeme and pattern.


  • Think of a token as a categorized unit in a program’s code.
  • It consists of two parts:
    • The token name, which is like a label representing a type of unit (like “number” or “operator”).
    • An optional attribute value, which gives extra information about the token (like the specific value of a number).
  • In a program, tokens can be things like words (keywords), numbers, symbols (like “+” or “(“), and so on.


  • A lexeme is the actual sequence of characters in the source code that matches the pattern for a token.
  • It’s like the specific instance of a token found in the code.
  • For example, if “if” is a keyword token, then in the code, the word “if” itself would be the lexeme that matches this token.


  • A pattern is a description of the form that the lexemes of a token can take.
  • It’s like a blueprint or rule that defines what a valid token looks like.
  • Regular expressions are commonly used to define patterns. These are special sequences of characters that help match patterns in text.
  • For instance, if we have a keyword token pattern, the pattern might simply be the sequence of characters that make up that keyword, like “if” or “while”.

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