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HTML Top Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is the meaning behind HTML?

Answer: HTML, an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language, acts as the foundational language for constructing web pages and web applications.

2. Please elucidate the fundamental composition of an HTML document.

Answer: An HTML document’s elemental structure encompasses the declaration of `<!DOCTYPE html>`, the presence of an `<html>` element, a `<head>` section incorporating metadata, and a `<body>` section housing the content within.

3. How does the `<!DOCTYPE html>` declaration contribute to the overall purpose?

Answer: The primary function of this declaration revolves around defining both the type and version of HTML employed within a document, thereby ensuring that browsers accurately render the page.

4. Can you differentiate between HTML and XHTML?

Answer: XHTML stands as a more rigorous variant of HTML by adhering to XML syntax rules. Unlike HTML, XHTML mandates well-formed documents and employs self-closing tags.

5. Could you elaborate on how the `<meta>` tag is utilized?

Answer: The utilization of a `<meta>` tag finds relevance in displaying metadata concerning an HTML document, which encompasses elements such as character set, description, keywords, and viewport settings.

6. What objective does the employment of a `<div>` tag serve?

Answer: Acting as a block-level container, the <div> tag effectively groups and structures content together. Frequently styled using CSS for layout purposes.

7. How do you distinguish between `<span>` and `<div>` tags?

Answer: While `<span>` functions as an inline element responsible for styling specific portions of text, its counterpart, `<div>`, operates as a block-level container intended for grouping larger content sections together.

8. In what manner is the `<a>` tag utilized in HTML?

Answer: Within HTML coding conventions, the <a> (anchor) tag serves to create hyperlinks connecting to other web pages, files, email addresses or additional resource types.

9. What purpose does the `<img>` tag serve?

Answer: By utilizing the <img> tag, HTML documents possess the capacity to embed images within their structure. Attributes such as `src` (source) and `alt` (alternative text) are commonly employed.

10. How does one create an ordered list using HTML?

Answer: The creation of an ordered list is achieved by implementing the <ol> tag, with individual list items being defined through usage of the <li> tag.

11. Can you outline the contrasting features of block-level and inline elements?

Answer: While block-level elements initiate on a new line and consume the entirety of available width, inline elements refrain from initiating on a new line and only occupy as much width as necessary.

12. Elucidate the purpose behind employing the `<table>` tag.

Answer: Employing the <table> tag allows for table creation within HTML documents. Noteworthy table components include <tr> (table row), <td> (table data/cell), and <th> (table header).

13. How can one create a hyperlink that opens in a separate tab or window?

Answer: To achieve this outcome, simply add the attribute `target=”_blank”` to the <a> tag. An example implementation would appear as follows: <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Link</a>.

14. Please explain how the `<form>` tag is useful in HTML.

Answer: A vital component pertaining to HTML forms, the <form> tag facilitates user input collection within an HTML document. Consisting of form elements such as <input>, <textarea>, and <button>.

15. What function does the `placeholder` attribute serve in an `<input>` tag?

Answer: By incorporating the `placeholder` attribute within an `<input>` tag, users receive a short hint or sample text that guides them towards expected input.

16. How does one embed a video within an HTML document?

Answer: Embedding videos in HTML documents is accomplished via utilization of the <video> tag, accompanied by the inclusion of the `src` attribute in order to specify the URL for the video file. Additional customization options include the incorporation of controls and other relevant attributes.

17. What precisely is semantic HTML, and what significance does it hold?

Answer: Semantic HTML revolves around utilizing tags that inherently convey meaning regarding both the structure and content present within a page (e.g., <header>, <nav>, <footer>). Its employment serves to enhance accessibility, search engine optimization, and overall code readability.

18. How might comments be incorporated into HTML code?

Answer: Comments are seamlessly added within HTML by enclosing them between `<!–` and `–>`. For instance: `<!– This is a comment –>`.

19. For what purpose does one employ the `<iframe>` tag?

Answer: The usage of an `<iframe>` tag within an HTML document permits external content embedding, as exemplified by pages or videos being integrated into said document.

20. What steps must be taken to create a dropdown menu in HTML?

Answer: To generate a dropdown menu using HTML, employ the <select> tag to create the base structure while individual menu options are defined through implementation of <option> tags.