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What is direct and indirect speech? Write rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.

Direct Speech

Direct speech involves quoting the exact words spoken by a person. It is denoted by the use of inverted commas.

Direct: Pushpa said, “I am very busy now.”

Indirect Speech

Indirect or reported speech involves conveying the speaker’s words without quoting them directly.

Indirect: Pushpa said that she was very busy then.

Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect

1. Introduction of ‘that’

Add the conjunction ‘that’ before the indirect statement.

2. Pronoun Changes

Change the pronoun ‘I’ to ‘he’ or ‘she’ as per gender.

3. Verb Changes

  • Change the verb ‘am’ to ‘was’.
  • Modify verb tenses: Simple present becomes simple past.


  • Direct: He said, ‘I am unwell.’
  • Indirect: He said that he was unwell.

4. Tense Changes

  • Present continuous becomes past continuous.
  • Present perfect becomes past perfect.


  • Direct: He said, ‘She is writing letters.’
  • Indirect: He said that she was writing letters.

5. Future Tense Changes

  • Change ‘shall’ to ‘should’.
  • Change ‘will’ to ‘would’ or ‘should’.

6. Conversion of Simple Past

  • Change simple past to past perfect.


  • Direct: He said, “The horse died in the night.”
  • Indirect: He said that the horse had died in the night.

7. Tense Preservation for Universal Truths

  • Tenses may not change if the statement represents a universal truth or is still relevant.

8. Reporting Verb in Present Tense

  • If the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tenses of direct speech do not change.

9. Words Expressing Nearness

  • Words expressing nearness in time or place are generally changed into words expressing distance.


  • Before → That day
  • Now → Then
  • Here → There
  • Today → That day
  • Tomorrow → The next day
  • Yesterday → The day before
  • Last night → The night before