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Write short notes on Modularization, Coupling, Cohesion, Use case modeling


Modularization is the process of breaking down a software system into smaller, independent modules that can be developed, tested, and maintained separately. The goal is to create a system that is easier to understand, modify, and maintain. Modularization can help reduce software development time and costs, improve software quality, and increase software reuse.


Coupling refers to the degree of interdependence between software modules. In general, low coupling is desirable because it makes it easier to modify and maintain software modules independently. High coupling can lead to a software system that is difficult to modify, test, and maintain.


Cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements within a module are related to each other. High cohesion is desirable because it indicates that the elements within a module are closely related and work together to perform a specific task. Low cohesion can lead to a module that is difficult to understand, modify, and maintain.

Use Case Modeling:

Use case modeling is a technique used to describe the functional requirements of a software system. It involves identifying the actors that interact with the system and the specific actions they perform. Use case modeling can help ensure that the software system meets the needs of its users and can help identify potential design issues before they become problems. It can also help improve communication between stakeholders and the development team.