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Differentiate between structured approach and object oriented approach

FeatureStructured ApproachObject-Oriented Approach
ApproachTop-down approachBottom-up approach
OrganizationProgram divided into sub-modules or functionsProgram organized using classes and objects
CommunicationFunction call is usedMessage passing is used
ReusabilitySoftware reuse is not possibleReusability is possible
Design IntegrationStructured design typically left until end phasesObject-oriented design done concurrently with other phases
SuitabilityMore suitable for off-shoringMore suitable for in-house development
Transition from Design to ImplementationClear transition from design to implementationNot so clear transition from design to implementation
ApplicabilitySuitable for real-time systems, embedded systems, projects where objects are not the most useful level of abstractionSuitable for most business applications, game development projects, and projects that require customization or extension
ModelingDFD & E-R diagram model the dataClass diagram, sequence diagram, state chart diagram, and use cases contribute to modeling
Project ManagementProjects can be managed easily due to clearly identifiable phasesProjects can be difficult to manage due to uncertain transitions between phases

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