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Write short notes on : a. Data store b. Actors c. Control flow

a. Data Store:

  1. Definition: A data store is like a storage unit in a data flow diagram, holding data for future use.
  2. Function: It doesn’t perform actions but responds to requests for storing and retrieving data.
  3. Flexibility: Allows accessing values in a different order than generated.
  4. Representation: Shown as parallel lines with the store’s name in between.
  5. Arrows: Input arrows indicate operations modifying data, while output arrows show retrieved information.

b. Actors:

  1. Definition: An actor is an active participant generating or consuming values in the data flow.
  2. Attachment: Actors connect to the inputs and outputs of a data flow diagram.
  3. Examples: Users, thermostats, or computer-controlled motors can be actors.
  4. Representation: Drawn as rectangles, denoting them as objects. Arrows indicate inputs and outputs.

c. Control Flow:

  1. Role: It helps show which paths are executed and in what order in a data flow diagram.
  2. Inclusion: Control flows are added to illustrate Boolean values affecting process evaluation.
  3. Nature: A control flow is a yes/no factor, not an input value to the process.
  4. Representation: Displayed as dotted lines from a process producing a Boolean value to the controlled process.

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