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Describe the pros and cons of unified modeling language(UML).

Pros of UML:

Widespread Acceptance: Many industries use UML, making it widely accepted and understood.

Supports OOAD: UML supports Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) methodologies, which are popular in software development.

Communication Bridge: It helps in bridging communication gaps among different stakeholders involved in system development, like analysts, developers, and clients.

Ease of Understanding: UML creates models that are easy to understand, even for those who are not programmers.

Unified Standard: It is a standardized modeling language, providing a common framework for developers.

Cons of UML:

complexity: Critics argue that UML is large and complex, making it challenging for some users.

Diagram Maintenance: Keeping UML diagrams in sync with the actual code can be time-consuming.

Limited Representation: Not every condition can be represented in a sequence diagram, limiting its expressive power.

Cost: Some UML software tools come with a price tag, which might be a drawback for budget-conscious projects.

Learning Curve: UML can be complex to learn and takes time to master, which might be a barrier for newcomers in the field.

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