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Describe generalization and specialization.OR What do you mean by generalization ? Explain. How is it related with inheritance ? OR Define aggregation and generalization. Explain.

Generalization and Specialization:


  • Idea: Combining common features of different things to create a more general category.
  • Example: If we have classes like “car,” “bus,” and “aeroplane,” we can generalize them into a higher-level class called “vehicle.”
  • Relationship: Represents an “is-a-kind-of” relationship (e.g., “car is a kind of land vehicle”).


  • Idea: Creating specific categories by highlighting unique features of objects within a general class.
  • Example: If we have a general class “vehicle,” we can specialize it into “car,” “bus,” and “aeroplane” based on their unique features.
  • Relationship: Subclasses are specialized versions of the super-class.

Relation to Inheritance:

  • Concept: Inheritance and generalization refer to the same idea of reusing shared attributes and operations in a hierarchy.
  • Generalization: Moving from specifics (subclasses) to the generic (superclass).
  • Inheritance: The effect of generalization on subclasses.


  • Idea: Representing a stronger form of association, showing a “has-a” or “part-of” relationship.
  • Example: Describing a “house” in terms of its parts like roof, floors, foundation, etc.
  • Representation: Complex objects composed of other objects.
  • Purpose: Helps model real-world scenarios where things are composed of other things.

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