Articles by Team EasyExamNotes

Python int data type

In Python, the int data type is used to represent integers. Integers are whole numbers without any decimal point. They can be positive, negative, or … Read more

Python basic syntax

1. Printing to the Console: This will print “Hello, World!” to the console. 2. Comments: Comments are used to add explanations or notes to the … Read more

Python Introduction

Python is a high-level programming language that is popular due to its flexibility, readability, and ease of use. Here’s a basic introduction to Python: 1. … Read more

Python Class and Object

Class: Object: Example: Let’s say we have a class ‘Animal’: In this code 1. Class Definition: 2. Object Instantiation: 3. Accessing Attributes and Calling Methods:

Python list slicing

List slicing in Python allows us to extract a portion of a list, creating a new list. The syntax for list slicing is list[start:stop:step], where: … Read more