Omega notation

What is Omega notation Omega notation (Ω) is a mathematical notation used in computer science to describe the lower bound or best-case behavior of an … Read more

Big O notation

What is Big O notation Big O notation is a mathematical notation used in computer science to describe the upper bound or worst-case behavior of … Read more

Asymptotic Notation

Asymptotic notation is a mathematical notation used in computer science to describe the behavior of functions as the input size approaches infinity. It provides a … Read more

Algorithm Analysis

Algorithm analysis is the process of studying and evaluating the efficiency and performance characteristics of algorithms. It involves measuring the running time and space requirements … Read more

Sorting Algorithms

An overview of some commonly used sorting algorithms: 1. Bubble Sort: 2. Selection Sort: 3. Insertion Sort: 4. Merge Sort: 5. Quick Sort: 6. Heap … Read more