Prim’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to find the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a weighted undirected graph.
A minimum spanning tree is a tree that spans all the vertices of the graph with the minimum possible total edge weight.
Outline of Prim’s algorithm:
- Start with an arbitrary vertex as the starting point.
- Initialize an empty set to store the MST.
- Initialize a priority queue (min-heap) to store the edges connected to the current MST.
- Mark the starting vertex as visited.
- Add all the edges connected to the starting vertex to the priority queue.
- Repeat the following steps until all vertices are visited or the priority queue is empty:
- a. Remove the minimum-weight edge (u, v) from the priority queue.
- b. If the vertex v is not visited, add it to the MST and mark it as visited.
- c. Add all the edges connected to v that lead to unvisited vertices to the priority queue.
- Return the MST.
The pseudocode for Prim’s algorithm:
Prim's Algorithm:
Input: Graph G with vertices V and edges E, weights assigned to each edge
1. Initialize an empty set to store the MST: MST = {}
2. Initialize a priority queue (min-heap) to store the edges connected to the current MST: PQ = {}
3. Select an arbitrary starting vertex s from V.
4. Mark s as visited.
5. Add all the edges connected to s to the priority queue PQ.
6. Repeat the following steps until all vertices are visited or PQ is empty:
a. Remove the minimum-weight edge (u, v) from PQ.
b. If v is not visited:
- Add (u, v) to MST.
- Mark v as visited.
- Add all the edges connected to v that lead to unvisited vertices to PQ.
7. Return MST.
Undirected graph
2 3
| \ | /
| \5 | 1/
6| \ | /
| \ | /
Resulting minimum spanning tree
2 3