Data Structure PYQs Hindi Videos
- 01 Space complexity in Hindi video
- 02 Time complexity in Hindi video
- 03 Dynamic Programming in Hindi video
- 04 Kruskals ALgorithm | Minimum spanning tree example in Hindi video
- 05 Prims algorithms | Minimum spanning tree example in Hindi video
- 06 Adjacency Matrix in Data Structure in Hindi video
- 07 Adjacency List in Hindi video | Graph | RGPV
- 08 Max heap example | Data Structure in Hindi video
- 09 Min Heap example | Data Structure in Hindi video | RGPV PYQ
- 10 Show the resulting max heap after deleting first 4 max elements | Data Structure in Hindi video
- 11 Bubble Sort in Hindi video | RGPV PYQ
- 12 Selection sort in Hindi video | RGPV PYQ
- 13 Insertion sort in Hindi video | Data Structure | RGPV PYQ
- 14 Merge sort example in Hindi video
- 15 Quick sort example in Hindi video
- 16 What is Stack | TOS | empty or full Stak | Operations on Stack in Hindi video
- 17 Evaluate using Stack in Hindi video
- 18 Infix to Prefix in Hindi video
- 19 Infix to Postfix expression using stack method in Hindi video
- 20 Construct binary tree from inorder preorder in Hindi video
- 21 Construct binary tree from inorder postorder in Hindi video
- 22 Infix to Postfix expression using stack method in Hindi video
- 23 TCS NQT Programming Logic | Infix to Postfix in Hindi video
- 24 Binary Expression Tree example in Data Structure in Hindi video
- 25 Construct B Tree of order 5 example 01 in Hindi video
- 26 Construct B tree of order 5 example 02 in Hindi video
- 27 Construct binary search tree in Hindi video
- 28 Dijkstras Algorithm in Hindi video
- 29 Dijkstra Algorithm example 2 | Shortest path in Hindi video
- 30 Towers of Hanoi probem using c program in Hindi video
- 31 Write a program in C which does multiplication of two metrices in Hindi video
- 32 Consider a 2D array A[20][30]. Element type is integer. Base address is 1076, address of A[17][29] in Hindi video
- 33 2 Dimensional Array | Data Structure in Hindi video
- 34 Write a program to find largest and smallest element in an array in Hindi video