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Describe the elements of object-oriented system.

  1. Objects:
    • Objects are like things in our problem world, whether real (like a student) or conceptual (like a bank account).
    • They have information (attributes) and can do things (behavior).
  2. Attributes:
    • Think of attributes as characteristics or details about an object.
    • For a student, attributes could be their name, age, and grade.
  3. Behavior:
    • This is what an object can do. For example, a student can study, a car can drive.
    • It’s the actions or operations an object can perform.
  4. Class:
    • A class is like a blueprint that defines what attributes and behaviors objects belonging to it will have.
    • If “student” is a class, then individual students are objects.
  5. Methods:
    • Methods are actions or functions that a class (or object) can perform.
    • For a student class, a method could be “study” or “attend class”.
  6. Message:
    • Messages are like requests or commands that objects send to each other.
    • It’s how objects communicate. If a student wants to “study,” it sends a message to itself to perform the “study” method.

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