A list of video lectures
A list of video lectures
- Prove set G= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is Abelian group of order 6, addition modulo
- Prove set G= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is Abelian group of order 6, multiplication modulo
- Ring
- Prove that a ring R is commutative, if and only if (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + …
- Integrity Constraints
- Finite State Machine
- Cyclic Group
- Coset of Subgroup
- Quantifiers
- Isomorphic Graph
- Homomorphism graph
- Symmetric relation
- Asymmetric relation
- Transitive relation
- Inverse relation
- Identity Relation
- Equivalence relation
- Algebraic structure
- Semigroup
- Monoid
- Group
- Abelian Group
- Generating Function
- Generating Function Ex. 01
- Recurrence Relation Ex. 01
- Recurrence Relation Ex. 02
- Recurrence Relation Ex. 03
- Obtain particular solution ar + 5ar-1 + 6ar-2 = 3r2 – 2r + 1
- Chromatic Number
- Ordered Pair
- Relation
- Reflexive Relation
- Ir-reflexive Relation
- Symmetric Relation
- Inclusion Exclusion Principal
- Inclusion Exclusion Principal Ex. 01
- Pigeonhole Principal
- SET Construction Method
- SET Types
- SET Operations
- (A ᴧ B) X (C ᴧ D)=(A X C) ᴧ ( B X D) |Relation example
- Group, Abelian Group, Sub Group
- Proposition | Basic Logical | Conjuction | Disjunction | Negation
- CNF: Conjuctive Normal Form
- Hasse Diagram
- Lattice
- Mathematical Induction
- Mathematical Induction | Prove 2+4+6+…+2n=n(n+1)
- Mathematical Induction | sum of cubes of three Consecutive integers is …
- Numerical problem on Relation
- Binary Operations
- Numerical problem on Semi Group
- Numerical problem on Group
- Algebraic Structure
- SET and its Types