- Advantages Disadvantages of DS
- Distributed computing models
- Goals of DS
- Hardware software concepts
- Issues in designing ds
- Design and Implementation Issues DS
- Structure of share memory space
- DSM Architecture & its Types
- File Application & Fault tolerance
- Desirable features of good distributed file system
- Distributed shared memory
- Election algorithm
- File service architecture
- RPC messages
- RPC Implementation
- RPC mechanism
- Client server communication
- Datarepresentation and Marshalling
- Communication between distributed objects
- Load distributing algorithm
- Task migration and its issues
- Deadlock issues in deadlock detection & resolution
- Distributed Scheduling-Issues in Load Distributing
- Characterstics of Multimedia Data
- Case Study of Distributed System
- Distributed multimedia system
- Distributed DBMS
- Advantages of DDBMS over centralised DBMS