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What do you mean by object modeling technique ? Explain. Discuss the various stages of the object modeling techniques with some example.

Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is a methodology that helps in designing and developing software systems by breaking down the process into distinct stages. These stages are:

  1. Analysis:
    • What is it?: In this stage, the analyst creates a model of the real-world problem, emphasizing its essential features.
    • Example: If you’re designing a windowing system, the analysis model might include a ‘Window’ class described in terms of what a user can see and interact with.
  2. System Design:
    • What is it?: The system designer makes high-level decisions about how the software will be structured.
    • Example: Deciding on the overall architecture and organizing the system into subsystems. For instance, deciding that the workstation screen changes must be fast and smooth, and selecting communication protocols and memory buffering strategies.
  3. Object Design:
    • What is it?: The object designer takes the analysis model and adds implementation details to create a design model.
    • Example: Adding details like data structures and algorithms to implement each class. Continuing with the ‘Window’ class example, specifying how its operations will work based on the underlying hardware and operating system.
  4. Implementation:
    • What is it?: This is where the actual coding happens based on the design created in the previous stages.
    • Example: Writing the code for the ‘Window’ class using a programming language and incorporating calls to the underlying graphics system on the workstation.

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