Articles by By Team EasyExamNotes

Torsion in shafts MCQs

1. What type of stress is primarily responsible for causing torsion in shafts?a) Compressive stressb) Tensile stressc) Shear stressd) Bending stress Answer: c) Shear stressExplanation: … Read more

Bending MCQs

1. What type of loading does pure bending involve?a) Torsional loadingb) Axial loadingc) Shear loadingd) Bending loading Answer: d) Bending loadingExplanation: Pure bending involves the … Read more

Materials Science MCQs

1. What process occurs when a molten metal transforms into a solid state?a) Meltingb) Solidificationc) Sublimationd) Evaporation Answer: b) SolidificationExplanation: Solidification is the process wherein … Read more