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Explain class and object diagrams with examples.

Class Diagram: A class diagram is like a blueprint that describes the structure and behavior of a system. It’s a static view, meaning it shows the relationships and attributes of classes at a specific point in time.

Key Points:

  1. Static Representation: It gives a static snapshot of the classes and their relationships.
  2. System Structure: Describes how classes are organized and connected in an application.
  3. Visualization and Documentation: Used for visualizing, describing, and documenting various aspects of a system.
  4. Attributes and Operations: It outlines the properties (attributes) and actions (operations) of a class.
  5. Object-Oriented Mapping: Commonly used in object-oriented systems, aligning with object-oriented programming languages.

Example: Consider a “Party” class with attributes like “location” and relationships like “parent” and “children.” Here’s a simple class diagram:

Object Diagram: An object diagram is like taking a photograph of your class diagram at a particular moment, showing instances (objects) and their relationships.

Key Points:

  1. Instance Representation: Represents instances (objects) of classes from a particular point in time.
  2. Static Snapshot: Still a static view, but focused on the current state of the system.
  3. Rendering Instances: Displays a set of objects and their relationships as they exist in a specific scenario.

Example: Taking the “Party” class example, an object diagram shows instances of this class:

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