C Functions

Function Definition and Declaration: Calling Functions: Function Parameters: Function Return Type: Function Call by Value: Function Prototypes:

C if statements

Understanding the If Statement: Using Comparison Operators: Using else statement: Using Else If Statement: Nesting If Statements:

C if-else ladder

if-else ladder: Example: Output: In the example above, the program checks the value of num sequentially. When num is 2, the condition is satisfied, and … Read more

C For loop

Syntax of a for loop in C: Here’s a breakdown of each part: Example: Explanation: Output: Practice problems in for loop: Problem 1: Print Numbers … Read more

C Do While Loop

Syntax of a do-while loop in C: Example: Explanation: Output: Practice problems on Do While loop in C: Problem 1: Sum of Digits Write a … Read more

C While loop

In C programming, the while and do-while loops are used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true. … Read more