- Introduction to Big Data Analytics
- Big Data and its Importance
- Big Data Analytics applications
- How Big Data analytics can be useful in development of smart cities? (Discuss one application)
- Discuss the applications of big data analytics in weather fore casting.
- Explain the 4V’s of Big data
- Explain 5 P’s of Big data in brief ?
- What do you mean by inter and trans fire wall analytics.
- Explain Hadoop architecture and its components with proper diagram ?
- Explain the process of data storage in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) with the help of a suitable example.
- Write down the goals of HDFS ?
- Hadoop’s Parallel World
- What is Apache pig and why we need it?
- Explain the term Pig Latin in detail ?
- Differentiate between Apache Pig and Map Reduce ?
- Write down the process of installing and running Hive ?
- Explain any three Hive QL DDL command with its syntax and example ?
- Explain the architecture and features of Hive ?
- Explain the concept of metastore in Hive ?
- Justify: SPARK is faster than Map reduce.
- Mapping data to the programming framework
- What is H Base? Explain storage mechanism of H Base with an example.
- What is Zoo keeper? List the benefits of it.
- Open source technology for Big Data Analytics
- Cloud and Big Data
- Integrating disparate data stores in Big Data
- Mapping data to the programming framework
- What is Map Reduce programming model? Explain.
- Executing Hadoop Map Reduce jobs