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Explain the design goals of a MAC protocol for adhoc wireless network.
The design goals of a MAC protocol for ad hoc wireless networks are:
- Distributed Operation: Decentralized decision-making for efficient medium access.
- Collision Avoidance: Minimize simultaneous transmissions to prevent signal interference.
- Energy Efficiency: Reduce power usage for battery-powered devices.
- Fairness: Equitably share the channel resources among nodes.
- Scalability: Work well in networks of varying sizes.
- Adaptability: Quickly adjust to dynamic changes like node mobility.
- QoS Support: Prioritize traffic based on application requirements.
- Hidden Terminal Mitigation: Address issues when nodes can’t hear each other.
- Security: Protect against unauthorized access and attacks.
- Channel Utilization: Efficiently use available channel bandwidth.
- Multimedia Traffic: Handle diverse data rate and delay needs.