Semiconductor MCQs

1. Which type of semiconductor material forms covalent bonds between atoms?a) Elemental semiconductorb) Compound semiconductorc) Ionic semiconductord) Metallic semiconductor Answer: a) Elemental semiconductorExplanation: Elemental semiconductors … Read more

Registers and Counters MCQS

1. Which type of counter utilizes clock signals to synchronize its operation?a) Asynchronous Ripple Counterb) Shift Register Counterc) Ring Counterd) Sequence Generator Answer: a) Asynchronous … Read more

Number Systems MCQS

1. Which number system is based on powers of 16?a) Decimalb) Binaryc) Octald) Hexadecimal Answer: d) HexadecimalExplanation: Hexadecimal system uses 16 digits: 0-9 for values … Read more