Java Nested Method

PROGRAM: To show nested methods. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Here we call a method from main().              * Methods are in same class so … Read more

Java program use of continue

PROGRAM: To show use of Continue statement. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * continue is a control statement.              * continue brings compiler to … Read more

Java Do While program

PROGRAM: To show use of Do While. public class DoWhile {             public static void main(String args[])             {                         int i=1;                         do                         … Read more

Java Decrement operator

PROGRAM: To show use of decrement operator. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Decrement operator uses ‘ – ‘.              */ public class DecrementOperator … Read more

Java constant

PROGRAM: To show constant. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Here age is constant, which have fix value 28.              */ public class ConstantClass … Read more

Java Inheritance

PROGRAM: A program to show simple inheritance. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Here two classes are created each having main function              * … Read more

Java array program

PROGRAM: Program to show use of array. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Here an array variable a[], is printing its elements using for … Read more

Java program arithmetic operators

PROGRAM: To show use of Arithmetic operators. /**              * @Prof. Jayesh              * Here use of arithmetic operators are shown.              * Arithmetic operators … Read more

Java Scanner progam

PROGRAM: Simple program to show use of scanner class. import java.util.Scanner; public class AddScanner { public static void main(String args[]) { int x,y,z; System.out.println(“Enter 2 … Read more