In Linux, there are seven standard file types, each with its own purpose and behavior.
Here’s a breakdown of each type:
1. Regular files (-)
- These are the most common type and contain actual data, such as text documents, images, executable programs, and libraries.
- They are denoted by a hyphen (-) symbol.
2. Directory files (d)
- These represent folders that organize other files and subdirectories.
- They are identified by a lowercase “d” symbol.
3. Symbolic link files (l)
- These are special files that act as shortcuts to other files or directories. They point to the actual location of the target file or directory without containing any data themselves.
- Represented by a lowercase “l” symbol.
4. Character special device files (c)
- These represent hardware devices that interact with the system on a character-by-character basis, such as terminals and keyboards.
- They are denoted by a lowercase “c” symbol.
5. Block special device files (b)
- These represent hardware devices that transfer data in blocks, such as hard drives, CD-ROMs, and flash drives.
- They are identified by a lowercase “b” symbol.
6. Named pipe files (p)
- These act as temporary communication channels between processes. They allow data to be written to one end of the pipe and read from the other end, like a communication tunnel.
- Represented by a lowercase “p” symbol.
7. Socket files (s)
- These are used for network communication and provide a way for processes to communicate over the network.
- They are denoted by a lowercase “s” symbol.