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Explain redirection in Linux ?

In Linux, redirection allows you to alter the default behavior of commands by changing where they get their input and send their output.

This is a powerful tool for manipulating data and automating tasks.

There are three main types of redirection:

  • Input redirection (using <): This changes the source of a command’s input from the keyboard to a file.
  • Output redirection (using >): This redirects the output of a command from the terminal to a file.
  • Error redirection (using 2>): This redirects the errors generated by a command from the terminal to a file.

Some examples of how redirection can be used:

1. Save the output of the ls command to a file called file_list.txt:

ls > file_list.txt

2. Display the contents of a file called data.txt but omit any errors:

cat data.txt 2> errors.txt

3. Combine the output of two commands together:

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined_file.txt

4. Append to a file instead of overwriting it:

ls >> file_list.txt