Articles by By Team EasyExamNotes

Marketing MCqs

1. What is the core concept of marketing that involves identifying human needs and wants and satisfying them through exchange? a) Promotionb) Demandc) Need wantd) … Read more

Management MCQs

1. What is the importance of management?a) It ensures organizational goals are achievedb) It improves efficiency and effectivenessc) It enhances employee moraled) All of the … Read more

Energy Audit MCQs

1. What is the definition of an energy audit? a) A financial analysis of energy expendituresb) A systematic process to assess and analyze energy consumptionc) … Read more

Energy Management MCQs

1. What is the primary goal of energy management? a) Maximizing energy consumptionb) Minimizing energy efficiencyc) Optimizing energy usaged) Ignoring energy conservation Answer: c) Optimizing … Read more