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Artificial Intelligence MCQS

#1. Which AI application uses algorithms to understand, interpret, and respond to user requests in natural language?

#2. What is the purpose of the term "Explainable AI" in artificial intelligence?

#3. Which AI technique involves categorizing data into classes or groups based on their similarities?

#4. What does the term "Bias" refer to in AI systems?

#5. Which AI approach focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human-like text?

#6. What is the concept of AI that involves systems recognizing patterns in data and making predictions based on them?

#7. Which AI technique involves training algorithms to find patterns in data and make decisions based on those patterns?

#8. What does the term "Overfitting" mean in the context of machine learning algorithms?

#9. Which AI technique is used for tasks such as image recognition and language translation?

#10. What is the concept of AI that allows systems to interpret and respond to emotions in human communication?

#11. Which AI application uses algorithms to enable machines to understand and interpret human handwriting?

#12. What is the main purpose of evolutionary algorithms in AI?

#13. Which AI technique involves algorithms that can learn from unsupervised data, identifying hidden patterns or intrinsic structures?

#14. What is the goal of Natural Language Generation (NLG) in AI?

#15. Which AI approach is used for tasks like facial recognition and fingerprint analysis?

#16. What is the concept of AI that allows machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks?

#17. Which AI technique involves algorithms inspired by the structure and functioning of the human brain's neural networks?

#18. What is the purpose of expert systems in AI?

#19. Which AI technique focuses on algorithms that can mimic human reasoning and decision-making processes?

#20. What is the concept of AI that involves teaching machines to perform tasks without explicit programming?

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