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C Programming Q & A

Q: What is stdio.h in C programming?

A: stdio.h is a header file in C programming that stands for “standard input-output header.” It contains declarations for input and output functions such as printf(), scanf(), getchar(), and putchar().

Q: What is the use of printf() function in stdio.h?

A: printf() is a function in stdio.h used to print formatted output to the standard output stream (usually the console). It takes a format string and any number of arguments, which are inserted into the string according to the specified format.

Q: What is the use of scanf() function in stdio.h?

A: scanf() is a function in stdio.h used to read formatted input from the standard input stream (usually the keyboard). It takes a format string and one or more pointers to variables where the input will be stored.

Q: What is the use of getchar() function in stdio.h?

A: getchar() is a function in stdio.h used to read a single character from the standard input stream (usually the keyboard). It returns the character read as an integer value.

Q: What is the use of putchar() function in stdio.h?

A: putchar() is a function in stdio.h used to write a single character to the standard output stream (usually the console). It takes a single character as an argument and returns the character written as an integer value.

Q: What is the difference between printf() and puts() functions in stdio.h?

A: printf() and puts() are both used to write output to the console, but they have different purposes. printf() is used to print formatted output, while puts() is used to print a string of characters followed by a newline character.

Q: What is the difference between scanf() and gets() functions in stdio.h?

A: scanf() and gets() are both used to read input from the console, but they have different purposes. scanf() is used to read formatted input, while gets() is used to read a string of characters (including spaces) until a newline character is encountered.

Q: How do you include stdio.h in a C program?

A: To include stdio.h in a C program, you can use the #include directive at the beginning of your code: #include

Q: What is the meaning of the FILE data type in stdio.h?

A: The FILE data type in stdio.h is used to represent a file stream. It is a structure that contains information about a file, such as its name, status, and location.

Q: What is the use of fopen() function in stdio.h?

A: fopen() is a function in stdio.h used to open a file and create a file stream. It takes two arguments: the name of the file to be opened and the mode in which it will be opened (e.g., read, write, append).

Q: What is the use of fclose() function in stdio.h?

A: fclose() is a function in stdio.h used to close a file stream that was previously opened with fopen(). It takes a single argument, which is a pointer to the file stream that should be closed.

Q: What is conio.h in C?

A: conio.h is a header file in C that stands for console input/output. It provides a set of functions for console input and output operations, such as getch(), getche(), clrscr(), etc.

Q: What is the use of getch() function in conio.h?

A: getch() is a function in conio.h that reads a single character from the console and returns its ASCII value. It does not display the character on the screen, and the input is not echoed.

Q: What is the difference between getch() and getche() functions in conio.h?

A: getch() and getche() are both functions in conio.h that read a single character from the console. The difference between them is that getch() does not echo the character on the screen, while getche() does echo the character on the screen.

Q: What is the use of clrscr() function in conio.h?

A: clrscr() is a function in conio.h that clears the console screen and moves the cursor to the top left corner.

Q: What is the use of gotoxy() function in conio.h?

A: gotoxy() is a function in conio.h that moves the cursor to a specified location on the console screen. The function takes two arguments, the x and y coordinates of the new cursor position.

Q: What is the use of cprintf() function in conio.h?

A: cprintf() is a function in conio.h that prints formatted output to the console screen. It works similar to printf(), but it is specific to console output and can use console-specific formatting codes.

Q: What is the use of textcolor() and textbackground() functions in conio.h?

A: textcolor() and textbackground() are functions in conio.h that set the color and background color of the console text, respectively. They take an argument that specifies the color or background color to be set.

Q: Is conio.h a standard header file in C?

A: No, conio.h is not a standard header file in C. It is specific to the DOS/Windows operating system and is not available on other operating systems such as Linux, Unix, or macOS.