The DFA minimization is the process of reducing states in a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) and maintaining its language recognition abilities.
That means, DFA minimization is aimed at finding a DFA with the least number of states that can recognize the same language as the original DFA.
Some of the benefits of minimizing DFA:
- Reduced memory usage: DFAs with fewer states require less memory to store. This can be important for applications where memory usage is a constraint.
- Improved computational efficiency: DFAs with fewer states can process strings more quickly. This can be important for applications where processing speed is a concern.
- Enhanced understanding: DFAs with fewer states are generally easier to understand and analyze. This can be helpful for debugging and maintaining DFAs.
- Simplified hardware implementation: DFAs with fewer states are more amenable to hardware implementation. This can be important for applications where performance is critical.
Example of DFA minimization:
Construct a minimum state automata equivalent to given automata?
(RGPV 2008)

Transition table for above automata.
State | Input = a | Input = b |
->q0 Initial state | q1 | q3 |
q1 | q2 | q4 |
q2 | q1 | q1 |
q3 | q2 | q4 |
q4 Final state | q4 | q4 |
Step 01: Remove steps which are unreachable from initial states.
Step 02: Split final states and non final states.
- A0 = {q4}
- A1 = {q0,q1,q2,q3}
- π0 = {q4}, {q0,q1,q2,q3}
- A0 cannot be partition further.
In A1,
- q0 is 1 equivalent to q2 for input a, but not equivalent to q1 and q3.
- q1 is 1 equivalent to q3 for input a and b, but not to q0 and q2.
So, A1 can be partitioned as,
- B0 = {q0, q2}
- B1 = {q1, q3}
- π1 = {q4}, {q0,q2}, {q1,q3}
Now, B0 and B1 can not be partitioned further.
- π2 = {q4}, {q0,q2}, {q1,q3}
- π2 = π1
In minimized DFA, we have three states,
- {q4},
- {q0,q2},
- {q1,q3}
Minimized DFA:
State | Input = a | Input = b |
->{q0,q2} Initial state | {q1,q3} | {q1,q3} |
{q1,q3} | {q0,q2} | {q4} |
{q4} Final state | {q4} | {q4} |

- Introduction to the Theory of Computation” by Michael Sipser.