- 01 Bankers algorithm need matrix safe state example 01 in Hindi video
- 02 Bankers algorithm need matrix safe state example 02 in Hindi video
- 03 Semaphores in Operating System in Hindi video
- 04 What do you mean by virtual memory and its advantages in Hindi video | RGPV OS previous years
- 05 Compare Paging and Segmentation in Hindi video | RGPV previous years
- 06 What is Process scheduling, CPU Scheduling and Disk sCheduling ? Explain scheduler in Hindi video
- 07 Explain concept of a process with its components? | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 08 Contiguous and linked list allocation for implementing file system in Hindi video | RGPV previous years
- 09 Explain various Disk scheduling algorithms with illustration? in Hindi video | RGPV previous years
- 10 Define process and thread. What is PCB? Explain its various entries with their usefulness? in Hindi video
- 11 Buffer cache advantages and disadvantages in Hindi video
- 12 Types of operating systems in Hindi video
- 13 OS #01 | What is OS and its characterstics | OS previous years in Hindi video
- 14 Short notes on Multiprocessor, Distributed OS, Thread, File protection | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 15 Deadlock conditions | OS previous years in Hindi video
- 16 Binary and Counting semaphore | OS previous years in Hindi video
- 17 PCB its meaning, uses and contents | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 18 File system design points to consider and linked list allocation | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 19 What is File, its attribute and operations | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 20 Services provided by an operating system | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 21 System call and its types | RGPV previous years in Hindi video
- 22 Write a semaphore for dining philosopher’s problem | RGPV Previous Years in Hindi video
- 23 Mutual exclusion and Critical Section problem | RGPV Previous years in Hindi video
- 24 How many page faults would occur | OS previous years in Hindi video
- 25 Contiguous memory allocation static dynamic fixed variable size in Hindi video
- 26 Deadlock Handling in OS in Hindi, mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, circular wait in Hindi video
- 27 Deadlock and its conditions in OS in Hindi video
- 28 CPU schedulers in operating systems | long term | short term | medium term scheduler in Hindi video
- 29 Process control block in operating system | PID | PC | Process state | Priority in Hindi video
- 30 Process state diagram in operating systems | New | Ready | Wait | Terminate | Suspend wait in Hindi video
- 31 Bankers algorithm with example | Need matrix, available, safe state, resource allocation in Hindi video
- 32 CLook disk scheduling algorithm with example | Circular look, Seek time, Disk head, arm in Hindi video
- 33 Look disk scheduling algorithm with example | Seek time | Head | Arm | Total seek time in Hindi video
- 34 C-SCAN Disk scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi, circular scan, total seek time in Hindi video
- 35 SCAN Disk scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 36 SSTF Disk scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 37 FCFS Disk scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 38 Priority CPU Scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 39 LRU page replacement algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 40 Optimal page replacement algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 41 MRU page replacement algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 42 FIFO Page Replacement algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 43 Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm in Hindi video
- 44 FIFO CPU scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 45 SJF non preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 46 SJF Preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm with example in Hindi video
- 47 SRTF CPU scheduling algorithm in Hindi video
- 48 GATE SRTF | What is the total waiting time for process P2 in Hindi video
- 49 Critical Section Problem in Hindi video
- 50 Mutex in OS in Hindi video
- 51 Fragmentation in OS in Hindi video
- 52 Paging in Hindi video
- 53 Process Scheduler in Hindi video
- 54 Network operating system in Hindi video
- 55 Timesharing operating system in Hindi video
- 56 Batch operating system in Hindi video
- 57 Deadlock | Conditions in Hindi video
- 58 Swapping in Hindi video