What is Python package ?
Python package is a directory which contains files.
What is _init_.py ?
A package (or subpackage), contains a file named init.py. This file usually includes the initialization code for the corresponding package.
How to import dataset.py available in xyz package?
- import xyz.dataset
- from xyz import dataset
How import show() from dataset.py available in xyz package?
- import xyz.dataset.show()
- from xyz.dataset import show()
List some Python packages ?
- NumPy
- pandas
- pytest
Differentiate Library and Package in Python ?
Library is a collection of packages and package is a collection of modules.
List some Python libraries ?
- Matplotlib
- pygame
- PyTorch
- Requests
- missingno
- Beautiful Soup
What is Python frameworks ?
Python frameworks are a collection of modules and packages.
List some Python frameworks ?
- Django
- Flask
- Bottle
- CherryPy
- Web2Py
Name some examples which uses Python frameworks ?
- Netflix
- Udemy
Why use Python framework ?
- Open source
- Easy for code reuse
Diffrenciate micro-framework and full-stack framework ?
As name indicated micro-framework suitable for small applications and full-stack framework suitable for any application.
List some full-stack framework ?
- Django
- Web2Py
List some micro-framework ?
- Flask
- Bottle
What is MVC architecture in Python ?
- Model View Controller
- Three components of MVC
- Model
- View
- Controller
What is Spyder ?
sub-application of Anaconda.
Does opencv for python will work in spyder ?