- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Historical development of Cloud Computing
- Vision of Cloud Computing
- Characterstics of Cloud Computing as per NIST
- Cloud Computing reference model
- Cloud computing environments
- Cloud service requirements
- Cloud and dynamic infrastructure
- Cloud adoption
- Cloud application: ECG Analysis in the cloud
- Cloud application: Protein structure prediction
- Cloud application: Gene expression data analysis
- Cloud computing architecture
- IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service
- PaaS | Platform as a service
- SaaS | Software as a service
- Types of clouds
- Cloud Interoperability and standards
- Scalability and Fault Tolerance
- Cloud Ecosystem
- Cloud Business Process Management
- Cloud service management
- Cloud analytics
- Testing under cloud
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
- Cloud Resiliency
- Cloud Provisioning
- Cloud Asset management
- Concepts of Map reduce
- Cloud Governance
- High availability and disaster recovery
- Virtualization in Cloud Computing
- Hypervisor management software
- Third party cloud services
- Google App Engine
- Microsoft Azure
- Case Study of Hadoop
- Aneka
Previous Years Solved
- Describe cloud services requirements and applications of cloud computing | RGPV 2020
- Cloud application: Gene expression data analysis | RGPV 2020
- Cloud application: Protein structure prediction | RGPV 2020
- Cloud application: ECG Analysis in the cloud | RGPV 2020
- Explain cloud computing reference model | RGPV 2020,19
- What is cloud scalability? Explain the term “Virtual desktop infrastructure”. | RGPV 2020
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | RGPV 2020,19
- Explain Fault tolerance and cloud Ecosystem | RGPV 2020
- Cloud Ecosystem | RGPV 2020
- Testing under cloud | RGPV 2020
- Explain what do you understand by Hypervisor Management Software and their requirements | RGPV 2020,19
- Write a brief notes on High availability and disaster recovery in cloud computing | RGPV 2020
- Explain Cloud Analytics | RGPV 2020,19
- Explain Cloud Computing Security Architecture | RGPV 2020
- Explain the major cloud features of Google applications engine. | RGPV 2020
- Third party cloud services | RGPV 2020,19
- What is the cloud computing? Explain the two important features of cloud computing | RGPV 2019
- Vision of Cloud Computing | RGPV 2019
- Characterstics of Cloud Computing as per NIST | RGPV 2019
- IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service | RGPV 2019
- SaaS | Software as a service | RGPV 2019
- PaaS | Platform as a service | RGPV 2019
- Define virtualization? Why Virtualization is important in cloud computing | RGPV 2019
- Take a suitable example and explain the concept of map reduce | RGPV 2019
- Aneka | RGPV 2019
- Microsoft Azure | RGPV 2019
Cloud Computing Hindi Videos
- 01 Cloud Computing Introduction in Hindi video
- 02 RAID-Redundant Array of Independent Disks in Hindi video
- 03 Cloud Virtualization in Hindi video
- 04 Google App Engine in Hindi video
- 05 Hypervisor management software in Hindi video
- 06 Storage Virtualization in Hindi video
- 07 Microsoft Azure in Hindi video
- 08 Cloud Ecosystem in Hindi video
- 09 Aneka in Hindi in Hindi video
- 10 Cloud computing reference model in Hindi video
- 11 Cloud Federation in Hindi video
- 12 Virtual desktop Infrastructure in Hindi video
- 13 ECG analysis in Hindi video
- 14 Google app engine in Hindi video
- 15 Disaster recovery in Hindi video
- 16 Cloud Provisioning in Hindi video
- 17 Third party cloud services in Hindi video
- 18 AWS | Cloud Computing in Hindi video
- 19 Xen hypervisor in Hindi video
- 20 Disaster recovery in Hindi video
- 21 Cloud Interoperability in Hindi video
- 22 Cloud BPM in Hindi video
- 23 File level and Block level storage in Hindi video
- 24 MAP REDUCE in Hindi video
- 25 Scalability and Fault tolerance in Hindi video
- 26 Cloud security design principles in Hindi video
- 27 Cloud Governance in Hindi video
- 28 Gene expression data analysis in Hindi video
- 29 Cloud Analytics in Hindi video
- 30 Cloud Service management in Hindi video
- 31 Application virtualization in Hindi video
- 32 Cloud Adoption in Hindi video
- 33 Cloud Resiliency in Hindi video
- 34 VLAN | Virtual LAN in Hindi Video
- 35 Cloud Rudiments in Hindi video
- 36 Desktop virtualization in Hindi video
- 37 Vision of Cloud Computing in Hindi video
- 38 Cloud Dynamic infrastructure in Hindi video
- 39 Testing under Cloud in Hindi video
- 40 Cloud Asset management in Hindi video
- 41 High availability in Hindi video
- 42 Architecture of CC and Cloud storage in Hindi video
- Buyya, Selvi ,” Mastering Cloud Computing “,TMH Pub
- Krutz , Vines, “Cloud Security “ , Wiley Pub
- Velte, “Cloud Computing- A Practical Approach” ,TMH Pub
- Sosinsky, “ Cloud Computing” , Wiley Pub