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Microsoft Azure in Hindi

Microsoft Azure 

Cloud Computing: covered following topics in these notes.

  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
  2. Historical development of Cloud Computing 
  3. Vision of Cloud Computing
  4. Characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST
  5. Cloud computing reference model
  6. Cloud computing environments
  7. Cloud services requirements
  8. Cloud and dynamic infrastructure
  9. Cloud Adoption and rudiments
  10. Cloud application: ECG Analysis in the cloud
  11. Cloud application: Protein structure prediction
  12. Cloud application: Gene Expression Data Analysis
  13. Cloud Computing Architecture
  14. IaaS
  15. PaaS
  16. SaaS
  17. Types of Clouds
  18. Cloud Interoperability & Standards
  19. Scalability and Fault Tolerance
  20. Cloud Ecosystem
  21. Cloud Business Process Management
  22. Cloud Service Management
  23. Cloud Analytics
  24. Testing Under Control
  25. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
  26. Cloud Resiliency
  27. Cloud Provisioning
  28. Asset management
  29. Concepts of Map reduce
  30. Cloud Governance
  31. High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  32. Virtualization in cloud computing
  33. Server virtualization
  34. Hypervisor management software
  35. Third Party Cloud Services
  36. Case Study: Google App Engine
  37. Case Study: Microsoft Azure
  38. Case Study: Hadoop
  39. Case Study: Amazon
  40. Case Study: Aneka
A list of Video lectures

  1. Buyya, Selvi ,” Mastering Cloud Computing “,TMH Pub
  2. Krutz , Vines, “Cloud Security “ , Wiley Pub
  3. Velte, “Cloud Computing- A Practical Approach” ,TMH Pub
  4. Sosinsky, “ Cloud Computing” , Wiley Pub

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