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1. What is the primary function of an Operating System?

A. Running applications
B. Managing hardware resources
C. Providing user interfaces
D. All of the above

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Answer: D

2. Which of the following is NOT a desirable characteristic of an Operating System?

A. Security
B. Complexity
C. Efficiency
D. Reliability

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Answer: B

3. What are Utility Programs in an Operating System?

A. Programs that perform specific tasks for the user
B. Programs that help in the maintenance and operation of the computer system
C. Programs that run continuously in the background
D. Programs that manage file systems

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Answer: B

4. How is disk space allocated in the Contiguous allocation method?

A. Files are allocated in a linked list structure
B. Files are allocated in non-contiguous blocks
C. Files are allocated in contiguous blocks
D. Files are allocated dynamically

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Answer: C

5. What is the purpose of a Directory Structure in a file system?

A. To organize files into a hierarchy
B. To allocate disk space
C. To control file access
D. To manage file permissions

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Answer: A

6. What is the primary role of a CPU scheduler?

A. Allocating memory
B. Allocating CPU time to processes
C. Managing files
D. Handling I/O operations

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Answer: B

7. What is the concept of Threads related to in operating systems?

A. File management
B. Process management
C. CPU scheduling
D. Memory management

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Answer: B

8. What is Demand Paging in the context of Virtual Memory?

A. Loading all pages into memory at once
B. Loading pages into memory only when they are needed
C. Swapping pages in and out of memory
D. Allocating fixed-sized partitions for pages

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Answer: B

9. What is a Semaphore in the context of concurrent processes?
A. A data structure for file management
B. A tool for deadlock prevention
C. A synchronization primitive
D. A CPU scheduling algorithm

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Answer: C

10. What is the primary purpose of Interrupt Driven I/O?
A. To speed up CPU operations
B. To handle input/output operations asynchronously
C. To control file access
D. To manage system calls

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Answer: B

11. What is the primary goal of Deadlock Prevention?
A. Allowing deadlocks to occur and then resolving them
B. Detecting deadlocks and breaking them
C. Designing the system in a way that deadlocks cannot occur
D. Recovering from deadlocks

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Answer: C

12. What is the main focus of a Distributed Operating System?
A. Managing a single computer system
B. Distributing computing tasks across multiple machines
C. Enhancing user interfaces
D. Allocating disk space

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Answer: D

13. Which of the following is a case study of a contemporary operating system?
B. Unix/Linux
C. Windows 95
D. Both B and C

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Answer: D

14. What is a common feature of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems?
A. Monolithic kernel architecture
B. Command-line interface
C. Real-time operating system
D. Both A and B

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Answer: B

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