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Difference between scopus and sci/scie journal

Key differences between Scopus and SCI/SCIE journals:

FeatureScopusSCI/SCIE (Web of Science)
ScopeMultidisciplinary coverageFocus on specific scientific disciplines
Journal CoverageBroader coverage with more journalsSelective coverage with fewer journals
Subject AreasDiverse range of disciplinesPrimarily focused on scientific fields
Citation InformationProvides citation counts and metricsProvides citation counts and impact factors
Content TypesIncludes journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, patents, and morePrimarily focuses on journal articles
Author ProfilesOffers author profiles and affiliation dataLimited author-related information
Journal MetricsH-Index, CiteScore, SJR, SNIP, and moreImpact Factor, Quartile ranking, and more
Depth of IndexingIndexes abstracts, keywords, and full-textIndexes abstracts and keywords
Database SizeLarge database with extensive coverageRelatively smaller database
Coverage PeriodExtends back to early years in some casesVaries by journal, generally recent years
Interdisciplinary ResearchEmphasizes interdisciplinary researchFocused on discipline-specific research