Message passing is often used in distributed computing system, two tasks can exchange information through send and receive. Message passing can also be used to do the synchronization among tasks.
Message passing can be either synchronous or asynchronous. synchronous message passing: The basic concept of synchronous message passing is that tasks are often busy, and when busy, they cannot be interrupted by other units.
Message passing can be either synchronous or asynchronous. synchronous message passing: The basic concept of synchronous message passing is that tasks are often busy, and when busy, they cannot be interrupted by other units.
For example:
Suppose task A and task B are both in execution, and A wishes to send a message to B. Clearly, if B is busy, it is not desirable to allow another task to interrupt it. That would disrupt B’s current processing.
Asynchronous message passing: Its alternative of synchronous message passing.
- Sebesta,”Concept of programming Language”, Pearson Edu
- Louden, “Programming Languages: Principles & Practices” , Cengage Learning
- Tucker, “Programming Languages: Principles and paradigms “, Tata McGraw –Hill.
- E Horowitz, “Programming Languages”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley