In DBMS data models define how the logical structure of a database is modeled. Data models define how data is connected to each other and how they are processed and stored inside the system.
Some of the most common ones include:
- Entity-relationship model.
- Relational model.
- Network model.
- Hierarchical database model.
- Object-oriented database model.
What is use of Data model?
A data model helps to reduce unnecessary columns, by constructing an optimal data structure with the fewest tables and columns.
It thus helps reduce system complexity and hence reduce cost. One of the most important aspects of any big data project is data modeling.
More topics from DBMS to read: covered following topics in these notes.
- Introduction to Database
- Introduction to DBMS
- Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS
- DML, DDL and DCL
- Domains
- Introduction to data models
- Entities and Attributes
- Relationship among entities
- Tuples
- Attributes
- Relation
- Keys
- Relational Database
- Twelve rules of CODD
- Schemas
- Integrity Constraints
- Normalization
- Functional dependency
- Transaction processing concepts
- Schedule
- Serializability
- SQL join
- SQL functions: SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(), COUNT().
- Block, Extent, Segment
- Oracle Background processes
- Trigger
- Oracle cursor
- Introduction to Concurrency Control
A list of Video lectures
- Korth, Silbertz,Sudarshan, “Fundamental of Database System”, McGraw Hill
- Atul Kahate , “ Introduction to Database Management System”, Pearson Educations