Most of the students were not able to answer the following questions:-
1) Example of pure functional programming paradigm?
Ans. Haskell
2) Example of Logic programming paradigm?
Ans. Prolog
3) Work of Lexical analysis in compilation?
Ans. To validate the lexems/words.
4) What is the work of Parse tree?
Ans. To check the syntax/grammar during compilation.
5) Concept of Binding?
Ans. Should say all type of relation between variable and its type.
6) Types of Type checking?
Ans. Static ( int a = 10;) and Dynamic ($a = 10).
7) Strong typing?
Ans. When variable type is defined (int a = 10).
8) What is subprogram?
Ans. Functions and procedures.
9) What are the fundamentals of subprogram?
Ans. You should say all the characterstics and terms of a function/subprogram.
10) What are design issues of funtions?
Ans. You should say about precautions taken duriong creating a function (i.e, its type, number of value return or side effects etc.).
11) What is local referencing environments ?
Ans. Say about local variables and nested subprograms.
12) Wht is generic subprogram?
Ans. A subprogram in which a memory location is capable to store different types of variables.
example: template in C++.
13) What is concurrency ?
Ans. Its simultaneous execution of processes/subprogram/program/statements etc.
14) What is semaphore?
Ans. Its a ineger variable (int S), which acceses only by wait() or signal(). Used to prevent critical section problem.
15) What are the basic elements of prolog?
Ans. Term, fact , rules.
16) What are the applications of Logic programming?
Ans. Parsing, simulation etc.