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Unix/Linux MCQs

1. What is the primary function of the kernel in a Unix/Linux operating system?
a) Providing a graphical user interface
b) Managing hardware resources and providing essential services
c) Running user applications
d) Controlling network connections

Answer: b) Managing hardware resources and providing essential services
Explanation: The kernel is the core component of the operating system that manages hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and peripherals, and provides essential services like process management, file system support, and device drivers.

2. Which of the following is a hardware requirement for installing Unix/Linux?
a) DirectX compatible graphics card
b) 4GB of RAM
c) Intel Core i7 processor
d) CD/DVD drive

Answer: d) CD/DVD drive
Explanation: While modern Linux distributions often support installation via USB drives or network boot, a CD/DVD drive is a traditional hardware requirement for installing Unix/Linux from installation media.

3. What is a key advantage of Unix/Linux operating systems?
a) High cost
b) Proprietary software ecosystem
c) Open-source nature
d) Limited customization options

Answer: c) Open-source nature
Explanation: Unix/Linux operating systems are open-source, allowing users to access, modify, and distribute the source code, fostering innovation, collaboration, and community-driven development.

4. Why is Linux/Unix operating system popular and successful?
a) Closed-source licensing
b) Limited compatibility
c) Stability, security, and flexibility
d) High hardware requirements

Answer: c) Stability, security, and flexibility
Explanation: Linux/Unix operating systems are known for their stability, security, and flexibility, making them popular choices for servers, embedded systems, and a wide range of computing environments.

5. Which of the following is a feature of Unix/Linux operating systems?
a) Monolithic kernel
b) Single-user support only
c) Proprietary software ecosystem
d) Limited networking capabilities

Answer: a) Monolithic kernel
Explanation: Unix/Linux operating systems typically employ a monolithic kernel architecture, where the entire kernel is responsible for managing system resources and providing services to user-space applications.

6. What are kernel functions in a Unix/Linux operating system?
a) System calls, process management, memory management, and device drivers
b) User interface design, application development, and file management
c) Networking protocols and services
d) Application layer services such as email and web browsing

Answer: a) System calls, process management, memory management, and device drivers
Explanation: Kernel functions in Unix/Linux include system calls for interacting with the kernel, process management for handling running programs, memory management for allocating and deallocating memory, and device drivers for controlling hardware devices.

7. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the popularity of Linux/Unix operating systems?
a) Command-line interface
b) Rich set of command-line utilities
c) Limited software availability
d) Customizability and flexibility

Answer: c) Limited software availability
Explanation: Linux/Unix operating systems have a rich ecosystem of software available through package managers and third-party repositories, contributing to their popularity and widespread adoption.

8. What is a key benefit of the Unix/Linux command-line interface (CLI)?
a) Limited control over the system
b) Reduced productivity
c) Automation and scripting capabilities
d) Incompatibility with graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

Answer: c) Automation and scripting capabilities
Explanation: The Unix/Linux command-line interface provides powerful automation and scripting capabilities, allowing users to perform complex tasks efficiently and programmatically.

9. Which component of the Unix/Linux operating system manages user accounts and permissions?
a) Kernel
b) Shell
c) File system
d) Authentication subsystem

Answer: c) File system
Explanation: The Unix/Linux file system manages user accounts and permissions through file ownership and access control lists (ACLs), ensuring security and data integrity.

10. What role does the shell play in the Unix/Linux operating system?
a) Managing hardware resources
b) Providing a graphical user interface
c) Acting as a command interpreter
d) Running user applications

Answer: c) Acting as a command interpreter
Explanation: The shell in Unix/Linux serves as a command interpreter, allowing users to interact with the operating system by entering commands and executing scripts. It provides an interface between the user and the kernel.

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