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Theodolite Traversing MCQs

1. What are the different types of surveying methods?

a) Aerial surveying
b) Topographic surveying
c) Hydrographic surveying
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Explanation: Surveying methods can vary depending on the type of terrain and the purpose of the survey. Aerial surveying involves capturing data from the air, topographic surveying focuses on mapping the surface features of the land, and hydrographic surveying deals with mapping underwater features such as rivers, lakes, and oceans.

2. What is Temporary Adjustment in surveying?

a) It refers to the temporary fixing of equipment for accurate measurements.
b) It is a short-term correction applied to surveying instruments.
c) It involves adjusting measurements for seasonal variations.
d) None of the above

Answer: b) It is a short-term correction applied to surveying instruments.

Explanation: Temporary adjustment in surveying involves making short-term corrections to surveying instruments to ensure accurate measurements over a limited period of time. These adjustments are necessary to account for factors such as instrument drift or minor shifts in conditions during the surveying process.

3. What is Latitude and Departure in surveying?

a) Latitude refers to vertical distances, while departure refers to horizontal distances.
b) Latitude refers to horizontal distances, while departure refers to vertical distances.
c) Latitude and departure both refer to horizontal distances.
d) Latitude and departure both refer to vertical distances.

Answer: c) Latitude and departure both refer to horizontal distances.

Explanation: In surveying, latitude and departure are terms used to represent horizontal distances. Latitude represents the distance measured in an east-west direction, while departure represents the distance measured in a north-south direction.

4. What is meant by Plotting and Adjustment in surveying?

a) Plotting involves marking survey measurements on a map, while adjustment refers to correcting errors in the measurements.
b) Plotting refers to adjusting measurements for accuracy, while adjustment involves creating graphical representations of survey data.
c) Plotting and adjustment both involve correcting errors in survey measurements.
d) Plotting refers to measuring distances, while adjustment involves determining elevation differences.

Answer: a) Plotting involves marking survey measurements on a map, while adjustment refers to correcting errors in the measurements.

Explanation: Plotting in surveying involves transferring field measurements onto a map or drawing, while adjustment refers to the process of correcting any errors or discrepancies in the measurements to ensure accuracy in the final representation.

5. What is the purpose of Omitted Measurements in surveying?

a) To discard inaccurate measurements from the survey data.
b) To rectify errors in the surveying process.
c) To adjust for changes in environmental conditions.
d) None of the above

Answer: a) To discard inaccurate measurements from the survey data.

Explanation: Omitted measurements in surveying are those measurements that are intentionally excluded from the final dataset due to their inaccuracy or unreliability. This helps ensure the overall accuracy and integrity of the survey data.

6. What does EDM stand for in surveying?

a) External Distance Measurement
b) Electronic Distance Measurement
c) Exact Distance Measurement
d) Elevation Distance Measurement

Answer: b) Electronic Distance Measurement

Explanation: EDM stands for Electronic Distance Measurement, which is a modern surveying technique that uses electronic devices to measure distances accurately.

7. What is Trigonometric Levelling in surveying?

a) It is a method used to measure height differences between points using trigonometry.
b) It is a technique for measuring horizontal distances using angles and triangles.
c) It involves leveling instruments that operate based on trigonometric principles.
d) None of the above

Answer: a) It is a method used to measure height differences between points using trigonometry.

Explanation: Trigonometric leveling is a surveying method used to determine height differences between points by employing trigonometric principles to calculate elevation changes based on measured angles and distances.

8. What is the purpose of preparing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in surveying?

a) To test understanding and knowledge of surveying principles.
b) To facilitate efficient assessment of surveying concepts.
c) To aid in self-assessment and review of surveying topics.
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Explanation: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in surveying serve various purposes, including testing understanding, facilitating efficient assessment, and aiding in self-assessment and review of surveying topics.

9. Which of the following statements about surveying methods is true?

a) Aerial surveying is only applicable in urban areas.
b) Hydrographic surveying focuses on mapping terrestrial features.
c) Topographic surveying deals with underwater features.
d) None of the above

Answer: d) None of the above

Explanation: None of the statements are true. Aerial surveying can be used in both urban and rural areas, hydrographic surveying focuses on underwater features, and topographic surveying deals with terrestrial features.

10. In surveying, what is the significance of Latitude and Departure?

a) They represent vertical distances between points.
b) They are used to calculate the area enclosed by a traverse.
c) They help determine the direction and magnitude of traverses.
d) None of the above

Answer: c) They help determine the direction and magnitude of traverses.

Explanation: Latitude and departure are used in surveying to determine the direction and magnitude of traverses, aiding in the accurate measurement and plotting of distances between points.

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