1. What type of production system focuses on solving the most pressing problem first before moving on to other tasks?
a) Depth-first production system
b) Breadth-first production system
c) Best-first production system
d) Hill Climbing production system
Answer: c) Best-first production system
Explanation: Best-first production systems prioritize problem-solving based on heuristic evaluation, aiming to select the most promising path or solution at each step.
2. Which of the following characteristics is typically associated with a depth-first production system?
a) Completeness
b) Optimal solution
c) Memory-intensive
d) Breadth-first traversal
Answer: c) Memory-intensive
Explanation: Depth-first production systems tend to consume more memory as they delve deeply into a single branch of the search tree before backtracking.
3. Breadth-first search is known for:
a) Finding the shallowest solution
b) Consuming minimal memory
c) Always finding the optimal solution
d) Frequently getting stuck in local optima
Answer: a) Finding the shallowest solution
Explanation: Breadth-first search explores all the nodes at the current depth level before moving on to the nodes at the next depth level.
4. Hill climbing is categorized as which type of search technique?
a) Uninformed search
b) Heuristic search
c) Local search
d) Optimal search
Answer: c) Local search
Explanation: Hill climbing focuses on improving the current solution iteratively by making small adjustments, without considering the global search space.
5. Which search technique aims to minimize the total estimated cost to reach the goal from the initial state?
a) Depth-first search
b) Best-first search
c) A* algorithm
d) AO* algorithm
Answer: c) A* algorithm
Explanation: A* algorithm combines the advantages of both breadth-first and best-first search by considering both the cost to reach the current node and the estimated cost to reach the goal.
6. Which characteristic distinguishes A* algorithm from other search techniques?
a) Admissibility
b) Completeness
c) Memory efficiency
d) Lack of heuristic
Answer: a) Admissibility
Explanation: A* algorithm ensures an optimal solution if the heuristic function is admissible, meaning it never overestimates the cost to reach the goal.
7. What control strategy focuses on selecting the action that leads to the state closest to the goal state?
a) Depth-first search
b) Best-first search
c) Random walk
d) Minimax algorithm
Answer: b) Best-first search
Explanation: Best-first search prioritizes expansion based on an evaluation function that estimates the desirability of each state.
8. Which search technique often suffers from the “plateau problem” where it struggles to make progress if neighboring states have similar values?
a) Depth-first search
b) Hill climbing
c) Breadth-first search
d) A* algorithm
Answer: b) Hill climbing
Explanation: Hill climbing can get stuck in local optima or plateaus where small improvements are not immediately apparent.
9. Which production system is designed to mimic the behavior of the human brain’s neural networks?
a) Breadth-first production system
b) Best-first production system
c) Parallel production system
d) Hill Climbing production system
Answer: c) Parallel production system
Explanation: Parallel production systems utilize multiple processing units simultaneously, akin to the parallel processing nature of neural networks.
10. Which control strategy is commonly employed in games and decision-making scenarios to maximize the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome?
a) Minimax algorithm
b) Hill climbing
c) Breadth-first search
d) Depth-first search
Answer: a) Minimax algorithm
Explanation: Minimax algorithm is a decision-making strategy that minimizes the possible loss for a worst-case scenario while maximizing the potential gain. It’s often used in games with alternating moves between players.