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What are the functions to format string for presentation? Explain

In PHP, there are several functions available to format strings for presentation.

Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

1. printf():

This function allows you to format a string using placeholders that are replaced with values at runtime. For example, you can use the %s placeholder to insert a string, or %d to insert an integer.

The syntax for printf() is as follows:

printf(format, argument1, argument2, ...)

Here, format is the string with placeholders, and the arguments are the values to be inserted.

2. sprintf():

This function is similar to printf(), but instead of outputting the formatted string to the screen, it returns the string. This allows you to store the formatted string in a variable or use it in further processing.

The syntax for sprintf() is as follows:

sprintf(format, argument1, argument2, ...)

Here, format is the string with placeholders, and the arguments are the values to be inserted.

3. number_format():

This function formats a number with grouped thousands and decimal separators. It takes a number as its argument and returns a formatted string. The syntax for number_format() is as follows:

number_format(number, decimals, decimal_separator, thousand_separator)

Here, number is the number to be formatted, decimals is the number of decimal places to display, decimal_separator is the character to use as the decimal separator (default is “.”), and thousand_separator is the character to use as the thousands separator (default is “,”).

4. str_pad():

This function pads a string with a specified character to a certain length. It takes a string, a length, and a pad character as its arguments, and returns the padded string.

The syntax for str_pad() is as follows:

str_pad(string, length, pad_string, pad_type)

Here, string is the string to be padded, length is the total length of the padded string, pad_string is the character to use for padding (default is a space), and pad_type specifies where to place the padding (default is STR_PAD_RIGHT).