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Programming Environments | PPL

Programming Environments

A programming environments is the collection of tools used in the development of software.

This collection may consist:

  • A file system,
  • A text editor,
  • A linker,
  • A compiler,
  • Integrated tools

These tools may be access through a uniform interface (GUI).

Some of the examples of programming environments are:

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, which is a large collection of software development tools, used through a windows interface. It is used to develop software in following languages-
    1. C#,
    2. Visual Basic .NET,
    3. JScript(MS JavaScript version),
    4. J# (MS Java version),
    5. managed C++.
  2. NetBeans
  3. Turbo C, C++
  4. Dreamweaver
  5. Arduino, etc.
Categories PPL

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